Women and the struggle for democracy in Israel

26 April 2011, CREA Amsterdam. 27 April 2011, YWCA Utrecht

With Eilat Maoz general coordinator,cgoalition of women for peace (Israel) 

Presentation of the report All-Out War: Israel Against Democracy, by the Coalition of Women for Peace Israel, on the deteriorating situation of democracy in Israel. In recent years Human Rights organizations in Israel have been put under growing pressure from both governmental and non-governmental organizations. An increasing atmosphere of threat towards oppositional voices corrodes the fundaments of Israeli democracy and seeks to eliminate political dissent it deems unacceptable. Examples for such attacks on Israeli democracy include the delegitimization of Human Rights defenders and the detention of demonstrators during legal protests, as well as a wave of legislations that aims to revoke the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and of anyone who engages in “disloyal” activities.

The Coalition of Women for Peace Israel is a feminist organization at the forefront of the struggle against political persecution in Israel. Members of the coalition will present the findings of their recent report and discuss them with the audience.



