Operation Protective Edge, a War Waged on Gaza’s Children

Saturday 4 July 2015, 14:00 at the Kinderrechtenhuis: Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17-G, Leiden

Operation Protective Edge in July 2014 claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians, including at least 1,492 civilians. DCIP independently verified the deaths of 547 Palestinian children, 535 of them as a direct result of Israeli attacks. Five Israeli civilians, including a child, and 67 Israeli soldiers also lost their lives. Nearly 68 percent of children killed by Israeli forces during Operation Protective Edge were 12 years old or younger (362 out of 535).




discussion with:

Ivan Karakashian leads the DCIP’s advocacy and communications department

Brad Parker attorney and advocacy officer for DCIP’s US Program.

Maartje Berger, legal advisor (Defence for Children Internationaal Nederland, DCI-NL)

The discussion is organized by The Dutch coalition for Palestinian children and Tadamun in the Netherlands




