12 February – 13 February 2015, De Balie & CREA
In this symposium we will discuss the often unseen or hidden aspects of the current political and social situation in Jerusalem, such as human rights issues, settlements, and urban planning. We will also look at the ways political, social and historical processes influence the city today. Organized by gate48, the University of Amsterdam, De Balie and CREA.
Thursday 12th of February 2015, Public lecture , 20:30 – 22:30 De Balie
Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, Amsterdam
The Conflict in and over Jerusalem: when Religion and Nationalism Merg
Hillel Cohen, historian studying Jewish-Arab relations in Palestine/Israel at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Friday 13th of February 2015, Symposium , 13:30 – 17:00 CREA
Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, Amsterdam
Chair: dr. Erella Grassiani, board member gate48, researcher and lecturer at the University of Amsterdam.
13:30 – 15:00
Jerusalem The Rising Cost of Peace
Betty Herschman, director of International Relations & Advocacy in the Israeli organization “Ir Amim” (City of Nations).
The Dual Role of the State: Jewish-Israeli Settlement Compounds in East Jerusalem
Lior Volinz, PhD candidate within the School for Social Science Research (AISSR) of the University of Amsterdam.
15:30 – 17:00
Trapped by Planning
Efrat Cohen-Bar, Community Planning Department: Coordinator for East Jerusalem in the Israeli human rights organization BIMKOM – Planners for Planning Rights.
Mapping the Fractured Feality of Jerusalem
Malkit Shoshan, architect and the author and mapmaker of ‘Atlas of the Conflict, Israel-Palestine’.