April 2018
On Friday the 30th of March, Jewish people all around the world celebrated the Seder. Pesach in the Jewish tradition symbolizes the journey from slavery to freedom. The story tells that Moshe the leader of the Hebrew people came to the pharaoh and demanded to “Let my people go”. While we were celebrating our journey to freedom, the Palestinians of Gaza were having their own march to freedom, the march of return. The Palestinians were merely practicing their fundamental rights to non-violent protest against a long lasting oppression. In return, the Israeli army were shooting them one by one. One Pesach tradition is to leave the door open during the meal, as a symbol that everyone that is hungry can join the meal. Against this tradition the Israeli are locking up the Palestinians of Gaza already for more than 10 years, without enough food, water, electricity and many other necessities for daily life, creating nothing but a humanitarian crises. To celebrate the Seder, Isam nadaf opened his door to gate48, together with many of our friends and their children we were celebrating the Seder that was devoted to the Palestinian journey for freedom. From here we call upon our Israeli government “LET THE PALESTINIANS GO”.