Ehud Neuhaus
Stichting gate48 is tegen samenwerking Amsterdam-Tel Aviv
Read more: Stichting gate48 is tegen samenwerking Amsterdam-Tel AvivVandaag zal het Amsterdamse gemeentebestuur zich weer beraden over de kwestie van mogelijke samenwerking met Tel Aviv en Ramallah. In Het Parool van 18 juni j.l. roemt Ronny Naftaniel Tel Aviv als een multiculturele stad waarin verschillende bevolkingsgroepen naast elkaar in harmonie leven, een schoolvoorbeeld van economische en technologische ontwikkeling. Als Israëliërs die vaak lang …
Tel Aviv University academics debate BDS for the first time
Read more: Tel Aviv University academics debate BDS for the first timeOn June 8th, 2015 Tel Aviv University academics held a first ever discussion on BDS. The following is an address given by Dr. Hilla Dayan at the conference: Dr. Hilla Dayan is a lecturer at Amsterdam University College in the Netherlands, and a co-founder of gate48, platform for critical Israelis in the Netherlands. Her talk was published …
New WCLAC report – Jerusalem: a City on Edge
Read more: New WCLAC report – Jerusalem: a City on EdgeIn mid-June Salwa Duaibis and Rawan Zahran from the Palestijnen Women’s Centre for Legal Aid en Counselling (WCLAC) were visiting the Netherlands by the invitation of gate48 and Palestine Link. The purpose of their visit was the presentation of the new WCLAC report “Jerusalem: a City on Edge”. In their visit Duaibis and Zahran shed …
Foreign minister Koenders: “situation of Palestinian child prisoners very worrisome”
Read more: Foreign minister Koenders: “situation of Palestinian child prisoners very worrisome”On May 20, 2015 the parliament held a debate on “the situation in Israel and Gaza.” One of the topics discussed was the bad situation of Palestinian children being taken into detention by the Israeli army. The Netherlands organize at the end of this year a Cooperation Forum at which the economic cooperation between the …
Statement of the Dutch coalition for Palestinian children in Israeli detention regarding the visit of the Dutch human rights ambassador to Israel/Palestine
Read more: Statement of the Dutch coalition for Palestinian children in Israeli detention regarding the visit of the Dutch human rights ambassador to Israel/PalestinePersverklaring n.a.v. het bezoek Nederlandse mensenrechtenambassadeur Van Baar aan Israël/Palestina van 11 – 14 mei. De Nederlandse coalitie voor Palestijnse kinderen in Israëlische gevangenschap heeft kennis genomen van het bezoek van de Nederlandse mensenrechtenambassadeur Kees van Baar aan Israël/Palestina van 11 tot en met 14 mei 2015. Tijdens het bezoek zal hij ook de zorgen van …
The politics of cultural freedom
Read more: The politics of cultural freedomThursday 23 April 2015, 20:00, University of Amsterdam
Public discussion with: Omar Barghouti, founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Eyal Sivan, Israeli filmmaker, Honorary Fellow – European Center for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, UK Anne de Jong, assistant professor anthropology, University of Amsterdam The discussion will address different questions in relation … -
JAFFA, the orange’s clockwork – film & discussion
Read more: JAFFA, the orange’s clockwork – film & discussionTuesday 21 April 2015, 19:30 De Balie Amsterdam
Screening and Q&A with the filmmaker Eyal Sivan. Jaffa, the orange’s clockwork narrates the visual history of the famous citrus fruit originated from Palestine and known worldwide for centuries as “Jaffa oranges”. The history of the orange is the history of this land. Through photography and cinema, poetry, … -
The politics of cultural freedom
Read more: The politics of cultural freedomThe discussion addressed different questions in relation to the growing global boycott movement like: Should culture and art be regarded as standing “above politics” and therefore be spared the growing boycott against Israel?
Watch the the discussion: The politics of cultural freedom
Read more: Watch the the discussion: The politics of cultural freedomWith: Omar Barghouti, founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Eyal Sivan, Israeli filmmaker, Honorary Fellow – European Center for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, UK Anne de Jong, assistant professor anthropology, University of Amsterdam The discussion addressed different questions in relation to the growing global boycott movement like: Should culture and art …
DCI Report – Operation Protective Edge: A war waged on Gaza’s children
Read more: DCI Report – Operation Protective Edge: A war waged on Gaza’s childrenDefense for Children International Palestine released a report, Operation Protective Edge: A War Waged on Children, detailing the high price paid by children during Israel’s assault on Gaza last summer. Operation Protective Edge, which lasted 50 days between July 8 and August 26, claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians, including at least 1,492 civilians, according to …
MCW Progress Report
Read more: MCW Progress ReportIn March 2013, UNICEF published a report which found that: “The ill-treatment of children who come in contact with the military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized throughout the process.” In response to this finding the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it would “study the conclusions and work to implement …
HRW Report – Ripe for Abuse, Palestinian Child Labor in Israeli Agricultural Settlements in the West Bank
Read more: HRW Report – Ripe for Abuse, Palestinian Child Labor in Israeli Agricultural Settlements in the West BankHundreds of Palestinian children work on Israeli settlement farms in the occupied West Bank, the majority located in the Jordan Valley. This report documents rights abuses against Palestinian children as young as 11 years old, who earn around US $19 for a full day working in the settlement agricultural industry. Many drop out of school …