Ehud Neuhaus
Nir Baram in conversation with Abdelkader Benali
Read more: Nir Baram in conversation with Abdelkader BenaliSaturday 3 October 2015, 20.00 De Balie Amsterdam
On Nir Baram’s journey through Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories De Balie and gate 48 are organizing and evening with Israeli author Nir Baram and Abdelkader Benali on Saturday the 3rd of October at 20.00. They will talk about Baram’s journey through Israel and the occupied Palestinian … -
gate48 board member Erella Grassiani in the radio show Dichtbij Nederland
Read more: gate48 board member Erella Grassiani in the radio show Dichtbij NederlandTogether with Radi Suudi Erella spoke in the program about Jerusalem, the connection of the violence to the situation of many young people in the Occupied Territories and about the whether or not to call this a ‘Third Intifada’ as many do. They also talked about how the idea of killing any Palestinian attacker without …
The Israeli writer Nir Baram in Het Parool: ‘Blijkbaar vervelen we jullie’
Read more: The Israeli writer Nir Baram in Het Parool: ‘Blijkbaar vervelen we jullie’In zijn laatste toespraak bij de VN repte president Obama met geen woord over het Midden-Oostenconflict. Logisch, zou je denken, de wereld barst van de dringende problemen – IS, Syrische vluchtelingen – terwijl het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict tot vermoeiens toe doorsuddert. Er gebeurt helemaal niets. Het tegendeel is waar. Er gebeurt juist heel veel, althans in de …
Nir Baram in conversation with Abdelkader Benali
Read more: Nir Baram in conversation with Abdelkader BenaliDe Balie 3 October 2015
On Nir Baram’s journey through Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories De Balie and gate 48 are organizing and evening with Israeli author Nir Baram and Abdelkader Benali on Saturday the 3rd of October at 20.00. They will talk about Baram’s journey through Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. In addition … -
“GAZA inside out 2014-2015”
Read more: “GAZA inside out 2014-2015”Photo exhibition of Anne Paq / During the whole month of September 2015
During the whole month of September the exhibition will be shown at: CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, Amsterdam. ISS, International Institute of Social Studies, Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague. Wijkcentrum Het Dok, Kajuit 4, Groningen. In cooperation with Groningen-Jabalya. De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen. Nieuwland, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat … -
“This is How We Fought in Gaza 2014”: Breaking the Silence’s new report
Read more: “This is How We Fought in Gaza 2014”: Breaking the Silence’s new reportCREA, 9 september 2015
With Yehuda Shaul, co-founder of Breaking the Silence Breaking the Silence, an organization of former Israeli combatants, has collected testimonies from nearly 70 soldiers in mandatory and reserve service that took part in the invasion of the Gaza Strip during the summer of 2014 (dubbed by the Israeli military as operation Protective Edge). … -
“This is How We Fought in Gaza 2014”: Breaking the Silence’s new report
Read more: “This is How We Fought in Gaza 2014”: Breaking the Silence’s new reportWednesday 9 September 2015, 20:00, CREA Amsterdm
Breaking the Silence, an organization of former Israeli combatants, has collected testimonies from nearly 70 soldiers in mandatory and reserve service that took part in the invasion of the Gaza Strip during the summer of 2014 (dubbed by the Israeli military as operation Protective Edge). These soldiers’ testimonies were … -
Opening of the Anne Paq Photo exhibition “GAZA inside out 2014-2015”
Read more: Opening of the Anne Paq Photo exhibition “GAZA inside out 2014-2015”Friday 11 September 18:30 in Nieuwland Amsterdam
Nieuwland, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, Amsterdam. The exhibition will be opened at 18.30 with short speeches at Nieuwland. At 19:00 you are welcome to join us for a three course vegan Indian meal (€5 per person). You can make reservations for the meal at: info@gate48.orgDuring the whole month of …
Report of a Dutch multidisciplinary group of experts
Read more: Report of a Dutch multidisciplinary group of expertsApril 2014
Palestinian children and military detention. A report of a Dutch multidisciplinary group of experts on the practice and impact of arrest, interrogation, detention and adjudication of Palestinian children by Israeli military authorities. The report was presented on the 17 April 2014 at the foreign affairs committee in the Dutch parliament. The report is … -
Ali Dawabsha
Read more: Ali DawabshaThis morning Ali Dawabsha, a 18 month old baby was burned to death by an extremist Israeli Jewish group called “Tag Mehir”, price tag. Ali Dawabsha was murdered and his family was very severely injured during the attack on their house in the village Duma in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is one of many attacks …
Operation Protective Edge, a War Waged on Gaza’s Children
Read more: Operation Protective Edge, a War Waged on Gaza’s ChildrenSaturday 4 July 2015, 14:00 at the Kinderrechtenhuis: Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17-G, Leiden
Operation Protective Edge in July 2014 claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians, including at least 1,492 civilians. DCIP independently verified the deaths of 547 Palestinian children, 535 of them as a direct result of Israeli attacks. Five Israeli civilians, including a child, and 67 … -
The Dutch expert report is available in English
Read more: The Dutch expert report is available in EnglishIn April 2014 a Dutch multidisciplinary expert group published the original (Dutch language) version of its report ‘Palestinian Children and Military Detention’. The report was presented on the 17th of April 2014 at the foreign affairs committee of the Dutch parliament. This report addresses the practices and consequences of arrest, interrogation, detention and trial of Palestinian …