Ehud Neuhaus
The Political Geography of Israel/Palestine: Apartheid or Confederation?
Read more: The Political Geography of Israel/Palestine: Apartheid or Confederation?Doelenzaal of the UvA 26 February 2016
Public Discussion with Prof. Oren Yiftachel. The Lecture analyzes the evolving political geography of Israel/Palestine and the persistent failures of peace efforts. It highlights the double meaning of Zionism, being both a national liberation and a colonial movement, and the changing nature of Palestinian mobilization and nationalism. The struggle … -
Even Though My Land is Burning – Film & discussion
Read more: Even Though My Land is Burning – Film & discussionSunday 28 February 2016, 20:00 Filmhuis Cavia
Screening & discussion with the filmmaker Dror Dayan. In the face of the daily violence and oppression of Israel’s occupation of Palestine, some Israelis and Palestinians still believe that resisting together can lead to a shared life in a just and free country for all. A decade after the Palestinian popular … -
Zorgen van de Nederlandse coalitie voor Palestijnse kinderen in Israëlische gevangenschap over de recente kinderrechtenschendingen
Read more: Zorgen van de Nederlandse coalitie voor Palestijnse kinderen in Israëlische gevangenschap over de recente kinderrechtenschendingenOp 18 februari a.s. zal de vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken een gesprek hebben met een delegatie van de commissie Buitenlandse Zaken en Veiligheid van het Israëlische parlement. De leden van de Nederlandse coalitie voor Palestijnse kinderen in Israëlische gevangenschap willen graag de aandacht vestigen op drie punten van zorg met betrekking tot schendingen van …
The Political Geography of Israel/Palestine: Apartheid or Confederation?
Read more: The Political Geography of Israel/Palestine: Apartheid or Confederation?Friday 26 February 2016, 20:00 in Doelenzaal (Singel 425) Amsterdam
Public Discussion with Prof. Oren Yiftachel The Lecture analyzes the evolving political geography of Israel/Palestine and the persistent failures of peace efforts. It highlights the double meaning of Zionism, being both a national liberation and a colonial movement, and the changing nature of Palestinian mobilization and … -
Opinion article in Volkskrant: Stop vervolging activisten in Israel
Read more: Opinion article in Volkskrant: Stop vervolging activisten in IsraelOpinion article about political prosecution in Israel, by Galit Saporta, the director of gate48, in the Volkskrant here. De toenemende internationale kritiek op de Israëlische bezetting van Palestijns gebied, met name op de dagelijkse schending van mensenrechten, blijft niet onopgemerkt. De Israëlische autoriteiten kunnen deze kritiek dan ook niet langer negeren, alleen geloven zij dat er …
New HRW report – Occupation, Inc.
Read more: New HRW report – Occupation, Inc.How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights This report documents how settlement businesses facilitate the growth and operations of settlements. These businesses depend on and contribute to the Israeli authorities’ unlawful confiscation of Palestinian land and other resources. They also benefit from these violations, as well as Israel’s discriminatory policies that provide privileges …
War against the people: Israel, the Palestinians and global pacification
Read more: War against the people: Israel, the Palestinians and global pacificationWednesday 2 December 2015, 20:00 CREA Amsterdam
Launch of Jeff Halper’s new book. In this presentation of his latest book, War Against the People, Halper examines Israel’s “security politics,” how it parlays the military and security prowess gained through its decades of control over the Palestinians Into political clout in international affairs. Marketing the weaponry, … -
Discussion with Knesset member Haneen Zoabi
Read more: Discussion with Knesset member Haneen ZoabiCREA, 9 November 2015
The Legal System in Israel: Legalization of Racism Haneen Zoabi is a Palestinian citizen of Israel and a member of the Knesset since 2009. Today she serves as a representative of the Palestinian Joint List. In her parliamentarian work, Zoabi is regularly confronted with issues of racism and structural, institutionalized discrimination against … -
This used to be my bedroom
Read more: This used to be my bedroom17 November – 27 November 2015, in the town hall of Leiden
The municipality of Leiden hosts Anne Paq’s/ photo exhibition This used to be my bedroom , in the town hall of Leiden Opening of the exhibition on the 19 of November at 13:30 with the mayor of Leiden, Henri Lenferink and Aloys van … -
Serious concerns about arrest and detention of Palestinian children
Read more: Serious concerns about arrest and detention of Palestinian childrenIn een brandbrief aan de Tweede Kamer schrijft de Nederlandse Coalitie voor Palestijnse kinderen in Israëlische gevangenschap ernstige zorgen te hebben over de verslechterende situatie van Palestijnse kinderen. Ondanks inspanningen van diverse kinderrechtenorganisaties en de Coalitie zelf zijn er geen tastbare verbeteringen zichtbaar en nemen de kinderrechtenschendingen toe. “Derden zoals Nederland hebben onder het …
The Legal System in Israel: Legalization of Racism
Read more: The Legal System in Israel: Legalization of RacismMonday 9 November 2015, 20:00 CREA Amsterdam
Haneen Zoabi is a Palestinian citizen of Israel and a member of the Knesset since 2009. Today she serves as a representative of the Palestinian Joint List. In her parliamentarian work, Zoabi is regularly confronted with issues of racism and structural, institutionalized discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel … -
Support our work
Read more: Support our workIn 2016 gate48’s main partner and financial supporter for the past 8 years will stop supporting our activities. We therefore need to other resources so we can continue our work. These are in part other funds that have supported us in the past and through which we have already secured part of our activities for …