Ehud Neuhaus
Short film: Collapsing Prospects
Read more: Short film: Collapsing ProspectsDirector: Dror Dayan
Short documentary about the visit of the Dutch multidisciplinary team of experts to Area C in October 2015. The filmmaker Dror Dayan joined the Dutch team in its visit to Area C under the Israeli military regime. His short documentary gives visibility to the issues that the expert team was confronted with … -
Collapsing Prospects: Palestinians in Area C/ West Bank
Read more: Collapsing Prospects: Palestinians in Area C/ West BankJune 2016
A report of a Dutch multidisciplinary expert team, on the situation of the Palestinian population in Area C under the Israeli military regime. The report was presented on the 21st of June 2016 to the foreign affairs committee of the Dutch parliament. The report is the outcome of a visit to Israel Palestine that … -
New B’Tselem report – The Occupation’s Fig Leaf
Read more: New B’Tselem report – The Occupation’s Fig LeafThe Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem announced on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 that it will stop referring complaints to the military law enforcement system, in order to avoid contributing further to the pretense inherent in the work of this system. In a report published that day, entitled The Occupation’s Fig Leaf, B’Tselem explains that this …
The Permanent Occupation: 50 years of state of exception in Israel / Palestine
Read more: The Permanent Occupation: 50 years of state of exception in Israel / PalestineUniversiteitstheater, 19 of May 2016
Public discussion with Hagai El-Ad, the Director of the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem בצלם بتسيلم. June 2016 will mark the beginning of the 50th year of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. What was supposed to be a temporary military control over occupied land has long become a permanent regime … -
Interview with Hagai El-Ad the director of B’Tselem in De Volkskrant
Read more: Interview with Hagai El-Ad the director of B’Tselem in De Volkskrant‘We worden gezien als landverraders’ Mensenrechtenorganisatie B’Tselem verspreidde de video van een Israëlische soldaat die een Palestijn doodde. Directeur El-Ad, vandaag in Amsterdam: ‘Vaak wordt dat geweld niet vervolgd.’ door Theo Koelé De videobeelden gingen dit voorjaar de hele wereld over. Een Palestijn die werd neergeschoten nadat hij een Israëlische soldaat aanviel en verwondde, ligt op de …
The Permanent Occupation: 50 years of state of exception in Israel / Palestine
Read more: The Permanent Occupation: 50 years of state of exception in Israel / PalestineThursday 19 May 2916, 20:00 Universiteitstheater (Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16) Amsterdam
Public discussion with Hagai El-Ad, the Director of the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem בצלם بتسيلم. June 2016 will mark the beginning of the 50th year of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. What was supposed to be a temporary military control over occupied land has … -
gate48 alternative pesach (passover) meal
Read more: gate48 alternative pesach (passover) mealAlthough these are not easy days in Israel Palestine, we know that without hope change will never come. Pesach in our tradition symbolizes hope. It’s the time we celebrate the journey from slavery to freedom and the beginning of spring. On Saturday the 23rd of April (second day of pesach) we joined together with 50 …
Join the campaign to defend the academic freedom of the University of Kadoorie in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Read more: Join the campaign to defend the academic freedom of the University of Kadoorie in the Occupied Palestinian TerritoriesThis week the Israeli members organization Academia for Equality, an organization of academics dedicated to the democratization of Israeli academia and society launched a joint public campaign with the University of Kadoorie in Tulkarem, the West Bank, to defend the academic freedom of this institution. Since 2002, the army has used a shooting range built on …
Arab-Jewish relations in 20th Century Middle Eastern Jewish Thought
Read more: Arab-Jewish relations in 20th Century Middle Eastern Jewish ThoughtThursday 7 April 2016, 20:00 ABC Treehouse, (Voetboogstraat 11) Amsterdam
Book presentation with dr. Moshe Behar The vast scholarly field of Modern Jewish Thought usually ignores the intellectual history of Jews of non-European origin who are indigenous to the Middle East. The anthology Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought: Writings on Identity, Politics and Culture, 1893-1958 (University of New England Press, 2013) assembles some three … -
New report: No Way to Treat a Child, Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system
Read more: New report: No Way to Treat a Child, Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention systemDefense for Children International – Palestine published a new report, No Way to Treat a Child, detailing the widespread and systematic ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system. From meals prepared in a makeshift kitchen to adult prisoner “caregivers,” the report also gives a rare glimpse into Palestinian children’s daily living conditions …
Palestinian children in Israeli detention
Read more: Palestinian children in Israeli detention2011 – 2015
Support our campaign for Palestinian children in Israeli detention. Please send Minister Timmermans the attached postcard with your name and signature. -
Mizrahi night at mezrab
Read more: Mizrahi night at mezrabSunday 21 February 2016, 18:30 Mezrab Amsterdam
Book presentation and video clips with dr. Smadar Lavie gate48 invites you to a program centering on Arab Jews in Israel. The program explores Mizrahi contemporary struggles and culture in Israel and in the context of the struggle against the occupation and regional war. The program is made possible …