Ehud Neuhaus
Panel Discussion: ‘Democracy under threat’
Read more: Panel Discussion: ‘Democracy under threat’Wednesday, 7 November 2018, 20:00 in CREA Amsterdam
Israel’s recent ‘Jewish nation-state law’: the threat it poses to democracy in Israel and the prospects of a just solution in Israel Palestine. Speakers: Dr. Afeef Safye, former Ambassador of Palestine in The Hague, Washington DC, London and Moscow. Dr. Yeela Livnat Raanan, University Lecturer in Sapir college, and activist. Dr. … -
Presentation, discussion & dinner With Khaled Quzmar, General Director- Defense for Children international – Palestine section
Read more: Presentation, discussion & dinner With Khaled Quzmar, General Director- Defense for Children international – Palestine sectionWednesday, 27 June 2018, 18:30 in Hembrug & Zaandammer
The Palestinian Children Rights Coalition of which gate48 is a member, continues its campaign for the rights of Palestinian children, with the invitation to the Netherlands of the General Director of DCI- Palestine Khaled Quzmar. As a follow-up to the petition which was submitted to the … -
Opinion article by Galit Saporta – director of gate48 – in Het Parool
Read more: Opinion article by Galit Saporta – director of gate48 – in Het ParoolVerleden is juist de sleutel voor vrede Nakba: Israël en Palestina moeten eerst elkaars historie erkennen Terwijl het geweld aan de grens van Gaza grimmiger en dodelijker is dan ooit, ziet Galit Saporta mogelijkheden voor een Palestijns-Israëlische toekomst. GALIT SAPORTA Vandaag herdenken Palestijnen de Nakba, de catastrofe van 70 jaar geleden, toen honderdduizenden Palestijnen werden gedwongen te vluchten naar …
Erella Grassiani, co-founder and board member of gate48 was the guest on 2 TV shows and 1 radio show
Read more: Erella Grassiani, co-founder and board member of gate48 was the guest on 2 TV shows and 1 radio showErella Grassiani, co-founder and board member of gate48 was the guest on two TV-shows this weekend, where she talked about the Nakba and about possible solutions for Israel-Palestine. At De Nieuwe Maan, she read out a column and at Nieuw Licht (EO) she was interviewed about her background and critical point of view of Israel …
Presentation of the petition to the foreign affairs committee of the Dutch parliament
Read more: Presentation of the petition to the foreign affairs committee of the Dutch parliamentTuesday 15 of May at 13:45 in the Tweede Kamer
Make Israel adhere to the UN-convention on the Rights of the Child – Stop military trials of Palestinian children The petition of the Palestinian Children Rights Coalition was very successful. In one and a half month we received more than 5000 signatures. We would like to … -
Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussion
Read more: Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussionAmsterdam: Wednesday 23 May 2018, 20:00 – CREA (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170)
To commemorate 70 years of Nakba, Aidoun, gate48, Palestine Link and the Rights Forum are organizing three screenings of the NTR film Mohammad and Jafar, followed by a discussion with the director and a Palestinian refugee. This year, the State of Israel celebrates its 70th … -
Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussion
Read more: Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussionGroningen: Thursday 17 May 2018, 20:00 – Het Heerenhuis (Spilsluizen 9)
This year, the State of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary. However, Palestinians have no reasons to celebrate. 70 years ago the Nakba took place, the catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled the violence of Zionist troops. Since April, every week thousands of … -
Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussion
Read more: Mohammad and Jafar: surviving and the hope for return – Film & discussionDen Haag: Tuesday 15 May 2018, 20:00 – Humanity House (Prinsegracht 8)
This year, the State of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary. However, Palestinians have no reasons to celebrate. 70 years ago the Nakba took place, the catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled the violence of Zionist troops. Since April, every week thousands … -
gate48 & Isam Nadaf third alternative Seder meal: “LET THE PALESTINIANS GO”
Read more: gate48 & Isam Nadaf third alternative Seder meal: “LET THE PALESTINIANS GO”April 2018
On Friday the 30th of March, Jewish people all around the world celebrated the Seder. Pesach in the Jewish tradition symbolizes the journey from slavery to freedom. The story tells that Moshe the leader of the Hebrew people came to the pharaoh and demanded to “Let my people go”. While we were celebrating … -
Passover: the Journey to Freedom
Read more: Passover: the Journey to FreedomThe third alternative Seder of gate48 & Isam Nadaf, Friday, the 30th of Mach 2018, at 17:00 in Amsterdam.
Pesach in the Jewish tradition symbolizes the journey from slavery to freedom. The Hagada (the book of Pesach) tells the story of the Hebrew people as slaves in Egypt and their journey to freedom. Today, we … -
Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony: Live Screening + Discussion
Read more: Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony: Live Screening + DiscussionTuesday 17 April 2018, 19.30-22.00 NieuwLand, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, Amsterdam
gate48 in cooperation with NieuwLand will live-stream the Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony of Combatants for Peace and the Parents Forum in Amsterdam. We invite you to join us for the screening of this unique event and for a conversation about inclusion and non-violent resistance … -
Beyond the Balfour Declaration: navigating everyday life in contemporary Israel/Palestine
Read more: Beyond the Balfour Declaration: navigating everyday life in contemporary Israel/PalestineThursday 9 November 2017, 17:00 – 18:30 – Spui 25, Amsterdam
November 2017 marks the 100-year anniversary of the Balfour declaration, a public statement issued by the British government announcing support for the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. To mark the event, ACMES and ASCA in collaboration with gate48 …