Ehud Neuhaus
Silencing Israel – critical voices under siege
Read more: Silencing Israel – critical voices under siegeNovember 3 – November 5, 2010, University of Amsterdam
While Israel is often referred to as “The only democracy in the Middle East”, it has always been a rather partial democracy, mostly restricted to its Jewish majority. During the last decade there has been a serious and consistent decline in the democratic standards to which … -
Read more: Unrecognized7 October – 31 October 2010, Melkweg Gallery Amsterdam
The Bedouin are the native Arab inhabitants of the Negev desert. They make up ten percent of the Arab/Palestinian population of Israel, and are one of the most disempowered groups within Israeli society, as well as one of the most discriminated against. Most of the … -
Beyond the frame of Zionism
Read more: Beyond the frame of Zionism6 February – 13 March 2010, HOVO Utrecht
In the year 1948 the state of Israel was founded. After the holocaust, Palestine (the historical Israel) seemed like the perfect solution. “A land without a people for a people without a land” was the phrase that ‘magically’ described it all and that removed any critical consciousness. … -
gate48 IsraelPalestine Tour 2010
Read more: gate48 IsraelPalestine Tour 20102010
In the end of 2010 gate48 has organized a tour to Israel Palestine for 9 young members of political parties (CDA, D66, SGP, PvdA and GL). The aim of the tour was to give the participants a better understanding of the occupation. Journalist Annette Posthumus joined our tour and made a series of short items … -
Life in fragments – ‘video Activism’ from the Israeli occupation
Read more: Life in fragments – ‘video Activism’ from the Israeli occupation12 June – 14 June 2009, De Balie Amsterdam
Israel has been occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip for 42 years now. As a result, some 5 million Palestinians are deprived of their basic human rights Their movement is severely restricted; they often don’t have access to clean water, education and health facilities. They … -
Living with walls – a series of films and discussions
Read more: Living with walls – a series of films and discussions5 November – 17 December 2008, Gemak The Hague
In June 2002, the state of Israel decided to erect a wall around itself, calling it a “separation barrier”. The official purpose the state gave for building this barrier was to separate Israel from the West Bank in order to protect its citizens from suicide attacks … -
Witnessed from Within – critical documentaries from Israel
Read more: Witnessed from Within – critical documentaries from Israel14 May – 18 May 2008, De Balie Amsterdam
In May, Israel celebrates sixty years of independence. At the same time, the Palestinians commemorate the Nakba, the flight and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians which resulted from the founding of Israel in 1948. Yet Israel seems to be a state in which the Nakba …