Ehud Neuhaus
Security on the Move
Read more: Security on the Move10 September – 12 September 2014, University of Amsterdam and De Balie
The SECURCIT research group of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) in cooperation with gate48 and De Balie, is organizing a series of events on security mobilities, with a film screening on the Israeli military occupation in Palestine and a public … -
Photos from the opening of Room No.4
Read more: Photos from the opening of Room No.4Domkerk Utrecht on the international peace day.
Linda Vogtländer’s speech at the opening of Room No.4
Read more: Linda Vogtländer’s speech at the opening of Room No.4Vorig jaar ging ik mee met een expertgroep naar de bezette Palestijnse gebieden op de Westelijke Jordaanoever en naar Oost-Jeruzalem. Ik ben kinder- en jeugdpsychiater en meegevraagd om verslag te doen van de gevolgen van de nachtelijke arrestaties, van de verhoorpraktijken en van het maandenlang zonder contact met familie gevangen zetten van Palestijnse kinderen van …
The Lab – film & discussion
Read more: The Lab – film & discussion10 September 2014 20:00, De Balie Amsterdam
Documentary film about how Israel’s military occupation is a profitable business. This screening is the Dutch premiere and will include a Q&A with the filmmaker Yotam Feldman. It is, furthermore, part of the academic symposium Security on the Move, held at the University of Amsterdam (10-12 September 2014). Since 9/11, … -
Gaza: Justice or Just Aid?
Read more: Gaza: Justice or Just Aid?8 October 2014 18:15, ISS the Hague. 9 October 2014 20:00, CREA Amsterdam
A discussion on the responsibilities of the Netherlands to ensure accountability as a basis for justice and sustainable peace; to bring justice and not just aid to the people of Gaza. Speakers: Sarit Michaeli, the Spokesperson of the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem Nada Kiswanson … -
“How to speak about the Nakba in Hebrew?”
Read more: “How to speak about the Nakba in Hebrew?”28 September 2014 19:00, Cafe Belcampo Amsterdam
With: Debby Farber – Transitional Justice Program Director at the Israeli organization Zochrot. (The talk will be in English) During the last years, the Israeli organization Zochrot (“Remembering”) contributed to raise public awareness within the Jewish-Israeli audience about the significance of the Palestinian Nakba. Not merely as a … -
Room No.4
Read more: Room No.422 September – 19 October 2014, Domkerk Utrecht
Photo exhibition about the reality of detained Palestinian children in East Jerusalem. Hundreds of Palestinian children are arrested every year in conditions that are not appropriate with their age and that are in violation of Israeli and International laws. The methods and duration of arrest and interrogation are … -
In memoriam – Hajo Meyer, a warrior, not a survivor
Read more: In memoriam – Hajo Meyer, a warrior, not a survivorHajo with the red coat, backpack, hallow of frizzily white hair and youthful, energetic walk is gone. Died in his sleep, “peaceful” death, as they say. But perhaps Hajo didn’t die in peace of mind. He left our world in one of the darkest hours to our people, seekers of justice and peace in Israel/Palestine. He left a world …
Letter from Tel Aviv / Hilla Dayan and PW Zuidhof
Read more: Letter from Tel Aviv / Hilla Dayan and PW ZuidhofWhy do Israelis support a costly ground invasion to Gaza? The summer in Israel was planned long in advance. Eager to go, our three small children were excited to start their Lego themed summer camp. We landed in Tel Aviv in steamy mid July, just when the current violence started. As a Dutch-Israeli family from …
Wrongful killing of Hashem Abu Maria
Read more: Wrongful killing of Hashem Abu Mariagate48 is shocked by the wrongful killing of Hashem Abu Maria from Beit Ummar. Israeli forces shot Hashem in the chest with live ammunition as he stood still at the demonstration in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza after Friday prayers in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar. In the same march, two other protesters …
Protest on the Dam square against the attack on Gaza
Read more: Protest on the Dam square against the attack on GazaDuring a solidarity gathering for Israel in Amsterdam, organized by the Dutch pro-Israel lobby organization CIDI, members of gate48 were present protesting the gathering and showing the human price of the attacks.
gate48 statement
Read more: gate48 statementWe, members of gate48, a platform for critical Israelis living in the Netherlands, follow the escalating violence and unnecessary loss of life in Israel/Palestine with grave pain and concern. Israel has the right to protect its people, but bombing a densely inhabited area and the killing of civilians in Gaza is a criminal act of …