Presentation of a Dutch expert report – Collapsing Prospects: Palestinians in Area C/West Bank

Tuesday 21 June 2016, 20:00, CREA Amsterdam

In October 2015, an interdisciplinary team of Dutch experts visited Occupied Palestine with the objective to assess the Human Security situation of Palestinian communities in the area and the possibilities for sustainable development projects there. Subsequently, their goal was to offer Dutch policy makers recommendations for specific engagements. The team was composed of people with expertise in water management, gender and conflict, human rights law, human security, economic and social development. Its members were Rachel Kurian, Aalt Leusink, Peter van Lieshout, Marloes van Noorloos and Dubravka Žarkov. The focus of their mission was rule of law and human rights, access to natural resources, and demolition and building policies and practices. The mission was initiated and organized by gate 48, critical Israelis in the Netherlands and Palestine Link, an organization of Palestinians in the Netherlands.

The mission resulted in an expert report, which addresses the three above-mentioned issues and reflects on the role of international and local NGOs and aid agencies, including the Dutch government and companies. The report and its conclusion will be presented to Dutch policymakers both in the Parliament and the government.

The evening will be moderated by Farah Karimi, general director of Oxfam Novib.

The presentation and debate is organize by Palestine Link and gate48 in cooperation with CREA



